
Hi there!


1B Computer Science at the University of Waterloo

About Me

Hi! My name's Freeman Jiang.

I'm currently a first-year computer science student at the University of Waterloo and a frontend developer for pre-seed startup Seeko.

I'm familiar with full stack development in the MERN stack and have recently picked up full stack Ethereum development as well. My goal is to build things that will impact the world and learn skills that will compound over a lifetime 🚀

In my free time, I enjoy reading, calisthenics, and producing electronic music.


Libraries & Platforms

React, Node, Express, Next.js, Ethers.js, Chakra UI, Redux

Programming Languages

JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Solidity, Racket, C, Bash


MongoDB, Firebase, GraphQL, Heroku, Vercel, Hardhat, Git, GitHub

Operating Systems

WSL 2, Windows, macOS


VSCode, Figma, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Google Workspace, Office 365


English (native), French (fluent)


A couple things I've been working on


December 2021 | Personal Project

EthRPS is a proof-of-concept decentralized rock paper scissors game that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It uses a cryptographically secure commitment protocol to ensure fairness and is deployed to a test network on both L1 and L2.

Technologies: Solidity, Ethers.js, Hardhat, Infura, Next.js, React, Chakra UI, JavaScript


September 2021 | Hack the North

Nom is a web app that reduces food waste by helping people find new recipes for everyday ingredients. It is built with a serverless approach using Next.js and powered by the Spoonacular API. Nom was created in 16h during Hack the North.

Technologies: Next.js, React, JavaScript, Chakra UI, Spoonacular API, Vercel, CSS


August 2021 | Google CSSI

It's like Tinder, but for pet adoption! This collaborative project is a full stack web app that allows users to browse for potential pets using the Petfinder API. Any liked pets are saved to the user's profile.

Technologies: Firebase RTDB, Firebase Authentication, Petfinder API, OAuth 2.0, GitHub Workflows, Bulma, HTML, CSS, JS

Basic Phonebook

August 2021 | Full Stack Open

An unstyled phonebook with search and CRUD functionality integrating frontend, backend, database. Deployed on Heroku.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, ESLint, Heroku, Git

Fire Notes

July 2021 | Google CSSI

Note-taking app with CRUD database operations and user authentication. Firebase learning project.

Technologies: Firebase RTDB, Firebase Authentication, Bulma, HTML, CSS, JS

CB Virtual Concert

January 2021 | Volunteer Work

Responsive website developed to host Colonel By Secondary School's band videos in the absence of in-person concerts.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS

CB DECA Club Website

January 2020 | ITGS IA

Fully responsive website built from scratch using Bootstrap 4. It served as the club's primary promotion channel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Product continues to be used as the club's official website.

Technologies: Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, JS

Pomodoro Timer App

June 2021 | Personal Project

Simple timer app for the Pomodoro Technique. Includes customizable times as well as start, reset, and break buttons.

Technologies: Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, JS


A little hobby of mine :)

Text Me

🔥 Future bass banger

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Second Guessing

✨ Chainsmokers pop

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☕ Jazzy lo-fi beats

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Whether for a project or just to say hi, don't hesitate to reach out!


Available Upon Request




Waterloo, Ontario